Guests of the Original Mayr Resort enjoy so many positive changes. And we are always delighted when they give us feedback and share updates during their stay.
Take a look at their comments from our guest book. And read some wonderful articles by international journalists that have written about our house.

We are proud to announce that we have been awarded 4th place in the audience voting at the CONDE NAST READERS’ CHOICE AWARDS 2023. Click here to see all results.

Testimonials from our guestbook

“Thank you, all team Mayr! Your friendly, professional work has helped me to achieve my goals on each visit. You are educators of the highest order, with excelent hospitality. Many thanks. See you soon!”

Testimonials from our guestbook

“The wonderful Mayr rescued me from workal & physical exhaustion early this year. My second visit has been nearly magical. I leave lighter in body & mind with a real feeling of life. Thank you my lovely friends here. The Mayr is unsurpassed in care, kindness and expertise. Thank you all!”


Zach Cahill, OutThere magazine – The Experientialist Awards Issue 2024

“As I write this, it’s three months since my week in Austria. I have kept the weight off, despite eating like a normal human being again. A blood test shows my testosterone levels have improved. I have maintained some of the habits I learnt. I put my fork down between mouthfuls and chew properly. I don’t eat in front of a screen. I can honestly say the trip improved my health for the better. As for whether that lasts… Well, it’s like they say in AA – the system works, if you work the system.”

Phoebe Tonkin, Instagram: @phoebejtonkin

A love letter to Original FX Mayr: For me this was more a playground than a retreat. Today I left feeling grounded, energetic, and I’ve began to remember how to nourish my body, my soul, my mind in synchronicity. But the most fascinating and surprising aspect was how in depth the medical work was. I felt like I was in a hospital but instead of treating sick people, the focus is preventative. What a privilege to be able to make sure everything, from my heart to my blood, was working well. Thank you to the beautiful warm staff who made me feel like I was so cared for, so supported. Not only has a weight been lifted off my chest, but I’ve gained a protective and supportive loving energy around me that I will work hard not to lose again, as well as an immense amount of gratitude for my health. See you next year (and every year after that) x ‘Phoebini

Lizzie King, Instagram: @lizzieloveshealthy

“Wow it’s an utterly incredible place. I really didn’t expect such a level of care, detail and cutting edge medicine alongside the brilliant natural cures. I definitely feel sparkling and a whole lot younger.”

Tim Samuels, Author and journalist

“Back… and already pining for my daily schedule, broth, amazing treatments and the friends I made there. It was such an exceptional place – thanks! I loved it over there – can’t wait to tell more people about it.”

Olivia Buckingham

„There are no distractions here that we are so used to using to ignore what’s going on in our bodies and minds and when you become aware of your feelings and emotions it can be intense…. But persist rather than resist and you will release far more than what you expected to in more ways than one…!”

Jordan Richman, 032c Magazin

In this summer edition of Jordan Richman’s TRANSMISSIONS, the columnist finds himself far from the party scene, on a “cure” at a luxury medical spa in Austria. Detoxing from a hectic season of culture, during various cleansing treatments he looks back on his notes from art world galas, Lucien dinner debates, and yet another Balenciaga show. Swapping champagne for intravenous infusions at the lakeside retreat, Richman discovers that real culture lies within. In order to regenerate, he declares, the worlds of art and fashion may need to detox, too, trading all the “-cores” for a more nutritive suffix.

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Robert Hardman, Daily Mail

The Mayr “cure” comes at a price, comparable to many a skiing trip. […] But to come home feeling immerasurably stronger was not just bewildering. Six months after collapsing on the doortep of A&E, it felt nothing short of miraculous.

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Gerri Gallagher, Vogue

As my stay came to an end, I felt back on course. I had regained most of my old self through the combination of collective compassion and highly advanced treatments that are the sharp edge of science.

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Anne Mc Elvoy, Daily Telegraph

Winter or summer,  Original FX Mayr is a reboot for the body and soul. Arrive wilting, leave with a spring in your step and many good intentions from inspiring staff. Will be back.

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