Taking a Mayr Prelab determines some of your test results before your arrival, so that the findings are available for your doctor to access during your initial medical examination. This allows your doctor to create an individual treatment plan for you right from the word go.

Price per person € 130,-

This fee covers all handling and the laboratory equipment as well as a 15-minute consultation with your doctor to review the results. This price remains the same whether you choose one or all of the following tests. Shipping costs will be calculated and added to the final bill.

+ price for the analysis listed in the following:


Blood taking required.

Analysis of minerals including coenzyme Q10, vitamin D, B6, B12, A, E and folic acid14 days before arrival€ 350,-

This test can be used to detect mineral or vitamin deficiencies, which can lead to hair loss, tiredness and susceptibility to infections. Existing overdoses of various supplements can also be recognised and subsequent complaints diagnosed.

Analysis of food intolerances14 days before arrival€ 240,-

The food intolerance test is a blood test designed to detect possible late-type allergies and intolerances. So-called IgG-mediated reactions are measured, i.e. antibodies that are formed when certain foods are consumed too frequently or cannot be processed.


Stool sample required.

Microbiome analysis with intestinal health check 21 days before arrival360,- €

This stool test should be carried out 21 days before arrival – as part of the prelab,  before the start of the cure. The stool sample is stored in the laboratory for 21 days and the growth of various bacterial families in the intestine is observed. These cultures can be used to find out which bacteria and germs are present in the stool. Furthermore, the digestive performance, inflammatory processes and markers in the context of tumour prevention can be determined in the stool. During the initial examination, the laboratory results are discussed with the attending physician and possible treatment options are defined.


Stresstest Neurotransmitter355,- €

This test is a urine test to clarify certain symptoms in the context of stress reactions (acute or chronic stress). The levels of the acute stress hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline are tested, as well as amino acids that act as messengers (neurotransmitters) between nerve cells, such as GABA, dopamine and serotonin.

The results can be used to determine whether a person is under acute stress, has been under stress over a longer period of time, is already in the burn-out stage or whether no stress is measurable, only certain substances are missing and the body is therefore showing stress reactions.

For more information about the Mayr Prelab, please contact us at:

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