Cellulite, a skin condition that causes a lot of insecurities in women and men, but at the same time it’s a condition that almost everyone deals with. Cellulite is most prevalent in women, but it’s common for men to deal with the skin condition too. It’s a harmless condition that causes dimpled skin on the thighs, hips, bottom and stomach. Despite it being harmless and the fact that 90% of women have cellulite, it’s still a big cause of insecurity in women. Whilst all bodies are beautiful, and we’re glad that the body positivity movement is playing up more and more, there are still enough women seeking a way to get rid of cellulite. Pressotherapy has proven to help with this. In this article, we’re going to dive into what pressotherapy is and how it can help to reduce the appearance of cellulite.


Cellulite is a very common skin condition that is caused by fat building up underneath the skin, which makes your skin look lumpy and dimpled. A common misconception is that cellulite only appears in people that are overweight. On the contrary, cellulite can appear in people of all body types and weights – even with a slim figure it’s still normal to get cellulite.

The skin condition can be caused by different factors, including:

  • Hormonal changes
  • Poor diet
  • Genetics
  • Unhealthy lifestyle
  • Inactive lifestyle 
  • Weight gain
  • Accumulated toxins
  • Pregnancy

Another big factor in the appearance of cellulite is the thickness of your skin. Thin skin will make cellulite more visible, whereas thick skin can cause it to be hidden. More proof that cellulite is unrelated to your body type – it’s completely normal.


Cellulite sometimes gets mistaken with lipedema, which is a different skin condition where excess fat accumulates in the lower part of someone’s body. People with lipedema often have more fat in their buttocks, thighs and calves. Someone with lipedema, might experience that their skin swells easily, feels cold, bruises or hurts. Whilst cellulite is a cosmetic condition that isn’t painful and cannot do any harm, lipedema is a condition that can – when it gets worse – affect your ability to walk.


Pressotherapy treatment is a way of stimulating lymph flow and blood circulation, which is done to get rid of cellulite. Pressotherapy consists of a lymphatic massage that promotes detoxification – which will help with getting rid of the appearance of ‘orange peel skin’, also known as cellulite. Here at Original FX Mayr, we offer a form of pressotherapy that includes anti-cellulite wraps. These highly effective body wraps from Arosha help to remove imperfections such as cellulite from your stomach, legs and bottom. It is a pain free treatment that is designed to enhance the flow of your lymphatic system.


Benefits of Pressotherapy

Pressotherapy has proven to work and has been an effective way of getting rid of cellulite as well as draining your lymphatic system. A few of the main benefits of pressotherapy have been listed below:

  • Enhances skin suppleness
  • Moisturises the skin
  • Reduces cellulite
  • Stimulates lymph flow and blood circulation
  • Promotes detoxification
  • Reduces feelings of stress and anxiety
  • Helps to relieve swelling
  • Relieves muscle tension and pain

We have had many people ask us the question “Pressotherapy, does it actually work?”. Whilst results show that the treatment is indeed effective, we invite you to experience it yourself at the beauty spa at Original FX Mayr at Lake Wöthersee. Feel free to contact our expert team for any advice on beauty treatments to discover the best treatment plan for your situation.

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